Maxillofacial Prosthetics

Maxillofacial Prosthetic Rehabilitation

Maxillary obturators after maxillectomy procedures for palatal or sinus carcinomas are well-tolerated and can provide excellent aesthetics and function. They have the added benefit of allowing for good visualization of possible small recurrences that would not be visible under a graft. Free vascularized grafts are a mainstay of treatment and if bulky may interfere with dental rehabilitation.

48 yr-old male post resection of mucoepidermoid carcinoma

Figure 1: 48 yr-old male post resection of mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Figure 2: 48 yr-old male post resection of mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Figure 3: 48 yr-old male post resection of mucoepidermoid carcinoma

75 yr-old female post resection of squamous cell ca requiring obturator

Figure 1: 75 yr-old female post resection of squamous cell ca requiring obturator
Figure 2: 75 yr-old female post resection of squamous cell ca requiring obturator
Figure 3: 75 yr-old female post resection of squamous cell ca requiring obturator

67 yr-old female post-resection of squamous cell ca of left sinus

Figure 1: 67 yr-old female post-resection of squamous cell ca of left sinus
Figure 2: 67 yr-old female post-resection of squamous cell ca of left sinus

26 yr-old male post resection of osteosarcoma

Figure 1: 26 yr-old male post resection of osteosarcoma
Figure 2: 26 yr-old male post resection of osteosarcoma
Figure 3: 26 yr-old male post resection of osteosarcoma

The cost of dental rehabilitation especially with implant-retained prostheses can be prohibitive. In Ontario, there are 2 programs that patients may utilize to assist in this regard. The Assistive Devices Program (ADP)( the Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Program (OMRP) ( are available to certain providers in cancer centres.